from the chairman
Dear Colleagues,
The year is pressing on and we have been quietly working on a few pressing issues.
We are giving input into the proposed changes to the veterinary and para-veterinary
act. An update will be circulated to you shortly. A few of our members have also met
numerous times with stakeholders in the buffalo industry and government to come up
with solutions to the difficulty in conducting disease testing that we experience in certain areas. Hopefully we
will come up with a solution to improve the situation.
Well done to Dr Peter Morkel, who received the Lycaon award for his work in the conservation field at the gala
dinner of the SAVA conference in July.
Please save the date for the conference next year from the 1st to 3rd March with workshops on the 28th
February. It will be near Lanseria airport, see the advert below. Let us know if you have suggestions for talks or
workshops that you would like to hear.
We have a pangolin focus this issue with a well detailed description of how to do necropsy and clinical
examination and short articles on the National Health Forum and what it means for the Buffalo as well as an
article on the Postcode Meerkat Project in the Kruger National Park.
We need more articles for coming issues so please email us if you are interested to write something, even if it
just a case study.
Happy vetting.