Honors College Art & Science of Emotions Fall 2017 (12:00 p.m.) Sadness Journal | Page 19

Tears of Education Grace Voight In today’s day and age college students are always in some state of sadness or depres- sion. There is always something that will always bring students and it varies person. Society has taught us that showing sadness is a weakness and that it’s a taboo for even being sad. Strangers will walk up to you and tell you to smile. You know what, maybe you do not want to smile. It is okay not to make someone feel happy went they are sad. Sadness is expressed in different ways for everyone. Some people cry other people express it through hiding their emotions. College students typically hid their emotions and makes jokes about being sad. College students are the master of hiding sadness. We tend to joke about it by saying comments that make fun of our sadness. An example of this are we are poor college students. We try to poke fun at ourselves to mask the sadness. We have different amounts of sadness and it goes in cycles. There is typically a catalysis to cause sadness in college. It varies with topic and days. It can be failing an exam to an adult telling you that you are never going to get a job with a particular major. We are constantly going against the current with what we want to do. People are constantly putting others down even with successful degrees. Women are being in the minority of STEM fields making them and having them prove themselves. Except at the end of the day, women are sad because they never have the satisfaction of being secure. Thus, woman feel sad and angst. STEM is not the only major who feels the pressure of sad- ness. Nursing faces a similar feeling. Since the nursing field at a university level is very com- petitive, it can cause depressive feelings of not doing well enough. There is so much pressure to do well and so much disappointment when you do not make the application or get a bad grade in the class. Not being able to follow your dreams is a depressing. Not being able to fol- low your dreams is definitely sad. Teacher and education majors get this so often. Do not go 19