Honors College Art & Science of Emotions Fall 2017 (1:20 p.m.) Happiness Group Journal | Page 5

The Creative Process To prepare ourselves for our class discussion on happiness, we first studied the physical science, philosophy, and theory of happiness. We continued our studies reading literary works; novels, short stories, poems and analyzing lyrics, visual artworks, music, and films. These pieces of art attempt not only to depict but to also ‘move’ the reader/viewer to feel the emotion of happiness, which we then discussed on ‘how’ it did so in class. The class took part in minor discussions after each set of reading that built off of previous readings so we could begin imagining our ‘picture’ of society’s views on happiness. These discussions often involved works of art that critiqued society’s treatment of happiness, and utilized the readings to justify why this view and/or treatment of this emotion is wrong. Once all of these readings were finished, the class discussed themes that they had identified throughout the process. Most of these subject matter was centered around the topic of what we believed as wrong about the handling of happiness within society. In the end, the theme that stuck out the most to the class (as depicted by intense conversation on that topic) was how we are blocked from doing things that would make us truly happy by the things that society tells us we have to do. This theme related to our hectic calendars and to do lists that, as college students, we can never seem to keep up with. As the conversation progressed down this line of thought, we began to identify new aspects of the ‘picture’ we wanted to create. The basic setup of the painting started with two rooms separated by a doorway. One side of the doorway would look out into fantastic natural elements whereas the other side would be more like our daily lives. 5