Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 | Page 277

Leaving India The Independent Schools Foundation Academy, Wang, Angie Anqi - 11 Zheng-He and his men arrived upon the southwest shore of India, at the heart of Calicut. Their jaw hung open as they saw vast fields of pepper––––something China had so rarely it was often treated like gold. “Look at these limitless fields of pepper! It could satisfy China’s demand for special spices and raw materials for eternity. Sir, this is not a regular sight. Shall I load the bags of gold and silk out?” An adviser pleaded, tugging Zheng-He’s sleeve like an excited child. Zheng-He laughed good-naturedly. His advisor made him think of himself, of those ignorant and hazy days when all was peace and goodwill. His advisor was right indeed––––but why the rush? He wanted to stay and hopefully look at more mysterious things that the Chinese never knew of, but Zheng-He knew the emperor wasn’t young, and his life might be endangered while he was here, savoring the time slowly and having luxury and many men accompanying him, so he hastily gave permission for his advisor to load the cargoes of gold and silk. “Welcome,” Zheng-He said, leading one of the Indian traders inside the colossal vessel and gave orders for the Chinese dancers to entertain them. The Indian watched in awe, experiencing the hidden brilliance in Chinese culture. Then Zheng-He presented the many treasures of the Chinese, as they watched the women dance gracefully in silk robes. “Oh, lord…” exclaimed the Indian, “even that is not enough to sum this up.” Zheng-He smiled to himself. “Now we exchange. Pepper is like gold to us Chinese, if I brought our people, they would say the same.” “Oh, don’t be humble.” said the Indian, a warm smile stretching across his face. “Whoever owns all this treasures would be a millionaire. Trade accepted.”The two men shook hands firmly, but not unkindly. “Good, we can agree at this in peace. The emperor sent this request. China feels the need to have a glimpse in other cultures, so if everyone disagreed, there would be some…issues, let’s say…” Zheng-He said firmly, although his eyes had betrayed him a little. “Understood. I will pass this on to others countries we know of.” the Indian replied, inside feeling nothing but happy to be part of his request. “Great!” They said in unison, giving a slow but firm handshake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you… but we must leave.” Zheng-He explained gently. “Why, of course. To accommodate such a successful businessman is also a great honor.” The Indian bowed gallantly and left the room. “Ahh. Indians are quite friendly, isn’t it?” Zheng-He asked as he gazed dreamily into the land they left behind. “What’s next to come?" He asked his trusty advisor, who was always by his side. “Ha, it seems like master like these journeys. But sorry, we must return to where we left ––– our hometown, China.” His advisor jokes cheekily. He knew his master too well to think otherwise. “Oh? Of course.” Zheng-He said, and muttered to himself, “How foolish were I to forget my mission?”, but kept a straight face at his advisor. His advisor chuckled to himself, sighing. “Let’s take to our journey home.” Zheng-He called out. They left the blood-red horizon behind, and smiled at the cotton-candy like wisps of white clouds floating on the sky. Zheng-He and his advisor waved at the pearly blue ocean, sighing contentedly. What a marvelous day in such a pleasing place , Zheng- He thought to himself, honestly, I don’t know if I want to go back….. . but I must complete the emperor’s request…… I must put my priorities ahead of myself. Looking at Zheng-He’s expression, a sudden realization hit the advisor. Master seems reluctant to leave India! Well, the sight in India must have pleased him. I haven’t seen him like this before! The advisor glanced at Zheng-He with sympathetic eyes. I guess I can relate to that. I’m just glad that he’s happy. The advisor sighed happily. Finally we’re heading back to China, our heart’s dearest! Time flew by, and before they knew it, they were arriving at the docks. Zheng-He smiled at the home he left, but little did he know of what change there had been…