Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 | Page 276

The Cat Island The Independent Schools Foundation Academy, Tsui, Maya - 11 Okami opened her jaws to scent the air, picking up the trace of a jackdaw, and instinctively dropped into a hunting crouch. She lifted her paws delicately, and was about to leap on her prey, when she detected thrumming of paws headed her way. She scowled in disappointment, watching through slitted eyes as her target squawked and soared into the air. A black tomcat followed by a brown she-cat burst through the ferns. “Okami!” The black one panted “We have invaders sailing towards us from the west coast!” “How much, Sabre?” She asked the black tom sharply. “Not much” The brown she-cat admitted “Not enough to be fatal, but enough to injure.” Okami nodded “Spread the word, Isla.” The brown dipped her head and the she-cat darted off into the bushes, still waving wildly from their first entry. “Sabre, your with me.” Both felines shifted into their human bodies, each with ears and tails from their cat counterparts. “Have you alerted Lumi?” Okami demanded. Sabre bobbed his head “We sent the most exquisite fighters ahead to start shooting them. “Excellent. Have the underwater squadrons moved in?” “They’re currently waiting for your signal, Okami.” He replied. “I want you and your scouts to watch them for more extra information that we can wield to defeat these...inconveniently placed fools.” Sabre gave her a curt bow and shot off throw the undergrowth. She trotted towards their camp and when she arrived, found everyone waiting, and a out of breath scout. “I..” She panted “There is a small company of men asking if we can negotiate on Akulet Beach.” Okami narrowed her eyes until they were as thin as a blade of grass, and chose her own team to go and meet those newcomers. She had a pawful of warriors, each armed to the teeth. They marched towards the beach, for what lay there, awaiting them. They found a small patrol of men, each bearing yellowy-pale skin and slanted dark eyes. They wore luxurious flowing robes embroidered with gold and silver and gleaming gems. As far as she saw, they wore no visible weapons. “Greetengs.” A man that looked like their leader spoke. His Cattish was horrible. “Wez proopuse alleance to yuo domain and en retoorn, wez geve yuo sheeny thangs.” (We propose an alliance to your island and in return, we will give you treasures/shiny things) He pointed at chests and chests of gold, silver, riches and other valuable items. But, no prey or battle armour, weapons or any of those. “We are not interested in these. We only look for prey, or items fit for battle, foreign fool.” “Preey?” He cocked his head to one side “You means mouse or rebbit?”(Prey? You mean mice or rabbits?) Okami caught Ayla sighing, Enki picking at his knife and Ayki rolling his eyes, the rest of her patrol doing similar gestures. “If you cannot provide those resources for us, leave.” One of his lieutenants whispered in his ear, and he nodded “We will be able to provide those materials for you,” he said, his Cattish perfect, for once. “He beckoned to his men and they hauled trunks filled with the things they required. “Thank you. We will gladly take these items and grant an alliance with you. You will be permitted to enter our domain, as long as you do not disrupt our people.” Zheng He nodded and both leader’s signed a parchment, declaring the alliance between the two mighty rulers. Then, Zheng He gathered his men and took his leave, whistling to himself as his men jostled around him in excitement. Okami watched until their red sails crossed the horizon and, eventually, left their line of sight. Finally, she allowed herself to leave and maybe, even find that jackdaw she was hunting earlier.