Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 - 2 | Page 169

One by one, the robot pirate (let’s just call him Bill for now) got all the pirate’s head implanted with an evil chip, all except the leader. The leader was very mad, he tried very hard to deactivate the chips. Unfortunately, The Ming Treasure pirate leader never went to pirate’s I.T. class, so he knew nothing on tech, and he failed. These new reprogrammed red-eyed pirates decided to rebel and make Bill their new leader. Bill was a nice person at first, the nicest of all, you could say. But after he was painfully rebuilt, he was the most ruthless and merciless pirate on land. Also, he friended the black destroyer squad and often went on sleepovers on each of their ships. They soon retrieved all the loot from the villages that the nice Ming treasure pirates gave them before. All the treasures were then presented to the Ming emperor, who was very impressed. He shook Bill’s hand and kept praising him. But what the emperor didn’t know was that his life would be never the same soon. One day like no other, the emperor was calling all the pirates for a promotion. One by one, the pirates got their prize, and when it was Bill’s turn, he shook the emperor’s hand, but this time, he got an implant chip, a specially programmed one which is more nasty than Bill gave to his team, in his palm. The emperor felt a second of dizziness and after that, his eyes turned red.