Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 - 2 | Page 170

The Sacrifice Victoria Shanghai Academy, Graff, Eric - 10 Alex the great watched as his crew brought gold, porcelain and silver aboard the ship Scythe. The sea was peaceful and calm, the perfect day to sail. Alex had installed giant engines that would lift the boat into the sky so they would be safe from the dangers of the ocean. Alex’s destination was East Africa, when they arrived there they would trade for goods, but that wasn’t the whole story. He had also heard of a rumour saying that treasure was to be found in one of the caves located on a mountain called Mount Kilimanjaro. He noticed an old woman by the harbour whose clothes looked like that they were made out of dirt and clay. Her eyes were constantly shifting from brown to black. Alex didn’t really think much about it because he thought he was hallucinating since he hadn’t slept much the night before. When all of the trading currency had been transported safely, he turned on the engines and they lifted off into the sky. There was one thing Alex didn’t notice as the ship sailed into the sky, the old women by the harbour had turned into a dragon and was flying towards the ship. The dragon hid in the clouds so the ship couldn't see it. The skin turned into the exact colour as the sky making it invisible. The ship kept sailing through the sky. The ship was now flying over the ocean when suddenly another ship passed below them. The ship saw them and started following them. The crew was puzzled why the other ship was following them. Little did the crew know that it was the ship of the white walkers, a group of dead pirates that sailed the Pacific Ocean, destroying any ship they came upon. The Scythe had never heard about them before, because no one had seen them and come back alive to tell the tale. The ship then realised that they must be pirates but laughed because the pirates couldn't reach them, but little did they know the pirates were always prepared. The white walkers summoned a group of 50 seagulls and the white walkers grabbed on the legs of the seagulls and commanded the seagulls to fly up to the ship. The Scythe crew was completely stupefied. The seagulls flew up to the boat and then they dropped on the deck and they started attacking the crew. The crew immediately started fighting the pirates with swords. One of the crew men ran up the mast of the ship and then jumped off it and squashed 3 of the pirates. One of the crew lured the pirates in to one line and then stabbed his sword through 5 of the pirates. The pirates were running around and stabbing everything. They decapitated most of the crew because you could see several heads rolling across the deck. One of the crew threw a pirate overboard and watched as it hit the ocean. A pirate came out of nowhere and flung his sword at Alex. He ducked just in time to see it miss his head by millimetres. After they destroyed all of the pirates the deck was covered with blood and lose body parts and dead carcasses from both pirates and crew men. Alex immediately commanded the ship to fly away and head towards their destination with the dragon still pursuing them. The ship had taken a lot of damage so it was forced to land on the sea, so they could repair the engines. The dragon mumbled get ready for the plan under his breath as if it was talking to someone. The Scythe continued on. It began to turn dark, so the crew went to bed with some of the crew still awake keeping watch. Suddenly one of the watchers saw something green. He immediately spoke into his microphone and broadcast the message to the whole ship. They had reached India. When they arrived at shore they were treated well and they traded for spice and food and furniture. They bought beautiful pots that would definitely make the crew’s wives swoon. They also fixed the ship and they lifted up into the sky to continue their journey to East Africa. The crew reached Africa the next day and were overjoyed. The crew landed at Somalia and they were treated as kings. They traded and became friends with the locals. One night when they were eating dinner Alex asked the locals about the treasure on Mount Kilimanjaro. The locals told the crew about what they knew about it. They said there was a terrible monster that guarded it but people said it had flown away. Alex decided they would search for the treasure in the morning. The next morning the crew got in the Scythe and they flew towards the mountain. They spotted several caves but none of them looked right. Then round about noon Alex spotted a cave that was humongous and had coins and jewels at the entrance. The ship landed and they climbed down a ladder to the cave entrance. Alex and 5 others stood at the entrance while the rest of the crew stayed on the ship. Then suddenly the mountain exploded and then something emerged out of the ground, it was the dragon that had followed the ship. It flew straight through the ship. The dragon hit the engine and then exploded. The ship blew up and bits of flaming debris landed all over the mountain. Alex and the rest of the crew ran straight for the monster. The monster torched one of the crew mates while the rest ran forward and stabbed the monster. The dragon swallowed two more crew men. Alex and the last crew man went to the boats debris and found a ballista that somehow