Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4567 | Page 158

As Shanghai those upstart, I bought a new car, bought fashionable costume dress up myself. Like them, built western villa on the Youngquan Road and donated money to the new public facility to show my social responsibility. Interestingly, I went to the church in Xujiahui every week for listening bible. In the evening, I would go to Henan Road which was outside concession to gamble on horse race. I saw Tom in a few days, his present life was far better than I expected. He vested all casino in Shanghai day and night. In order to bet on horses, he actually shipped many special racing from UK for his entertainment. I decided to visit this friend who I know nothing about him. On a sunny morning, I went to visit him. His house was more elaborate than I expected. An extravagant mansion stand there and looking for the river bank. The giant door opened to the warm wind. Tom was sitting on steps and looked at me with a smile. Half a year not see Tom, he had become increasingly strong. After a while, he said "Like our first cooperation, the wind is still so”. He let out a sigh, “It is time to say goodbye”His voice sounds very mild, as he have done something that is essential for him. In that afternoon, I was fully confusing about he took French leave until the 5 th last month. Tom betrayed me. He took five or six gigantic vessel which is carrying the goods to the United States. The supplieries blockaded the door of my firm and shouted about the injustice. Their unfair situation was unjust, what is my encounter? I palsied on my wooden floor, looked at the angry people outside through the window. Whole room is empty and only a huge bell in front of me. I was drifting away into a trance and just heard the ticking of clock. I know I was lured to destruction but nothing I can do for it. The ticking rang hollow in my ears with pitter-patter. I counted my fingers to calculate all of my family property and mutter "Sorry.” In that afternoon, I lost all thing that I was had. After a chaotic morning, I opened the door and said “I am sorry "to them. They spit on my door and rebuked me。What they said like an arrow tingled me. I sold my luxury house and all I have to paid the debt. In that evening ,I realized that I was just a homeless tramps. No sibling, no friend, no partner. “Where are those people who was entertained by me?” I have been leave Shanghai for four years until my son told me he want to see where I had been lived. I and my son was sitting on the top of boat. Sunshine spit up on his immature face .The appearance of those few high building as the forward of the boat more clear. The ship’s flag floating up slowly. My son said: Seethe wind is rising. End