Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 1-2 | Page 447

Journey to the West
Singapore International School ( Hong Kong ), Choi , Chalsie - 10


So , young man . Would you mind telling us how you came about to this splendid country ?” the melodic voice of the Indian Raja shook him from his thoughts . How should he say it ? Xuanzang began sifting through his memories ...

It was a burning , sweaty summer ’ s day . A young monk named Xuanzang was packing a cloth bag . He looked at his friend , Meiwen , and asked ,
“ Is this enough ?” Meiwen , who was eating an apple , shrugged and replied , “ What do you shink ?” with his mouth full of apple .
Xuanzang glanced at his cloth bag , which was filled with clothes and a sackful of freeze dried meals and shrugged , saying ,
“ It is enough for 2 years , and that ’ s how long I ’ ll be gone .”
Xuanzang was going for a trip to the West , aiming for India to find secrets — not that there were a lot any more . Unlike people in the current 21st Century , who take planes and boats , he was using the traditional way : walking . He has to walk across the Himalaya Mountains , a very difficult hike . He suddenly remembered .
“ Oh yes ! I forgot a tent , and something called iodine !” Being a monk , Xuanzang did not go camping before . “ Better ask shi fu for some . See ya !”
An hour later , Xuanzang was ready to set off on his adventure . After saying goodbye , he set off through the monastery gates into the road . He was already following the highway , with cars zooming around him . As he came to a crossroad , he checked a map .
“ Right on track !” he murmured . Suddenly , a great mountain loomed above him , blocking the sun from view ; a majestic sight . Wondering how to get up there , he saw a girl with long hair that can change colours . She had magical powers , and was called Marissa . She beckoned him forward , and said ,
“ I am Marissa . I can help you during the journey , but only if you will not scream at this .” She closed her eyes , and her hair , which had been brown seconds ago , turned bright pink .
“ Ah …” Xuanzang started to scream his head off , but one disdainful look on her face shut him up immediately .
Instead he said , “ Oh . Cool . Now , let ’ s climb that mountain !”
Two hours later , Xuanzang collapsed onto a shelf of rock , and moaned that he could not go any further . He took out a Snickers bar and slowly chewed it until it was gone . Marissa , who seemed to be able to survive without food or water , and was thin as a pin already , sighed but did not say anything . Ten minutes of rest later , however , Xuanzang stood up and shivered , saying ,
“ I am frozen ! Why is it so cold ?” Xuanzang complained .