Honeymoon Destination Guide Honeymoon Destinations Guide 1 | Page 38

F date and may well be of the late 15th Century. The earliest surviving docu- mentary evidence of the Palace is the Charter of 1557, by which Bishop Robert appointed the Earl of Sutherland and his heirs to be hereditary Constables for Dornoch “situated in the Irish (Gaelic speaking) Country among the wild, unbridled, un- Dornoch Castle Hotel, is al- tamed and savage Scots”. The most certainly on the site of the appointment was made by the original Bishop’s Palace of St. Bishop who was alarmed by the Gilbert, who founded the Ca- progress of the Lutheran doc- thedral in the early 13th Cen- trines and wished to safeguard tury. However, it is not known the property of the Church by when the oldest surviving part putting it temporarily in the of the present building was put care of his relations. He cannot up. In 1557, the Palace was giv- have visualised that the Church en to the Earl of Sutherland by would never own its property his brother in law, Bishop Rob- again. ert Stewart. It is clear that the building was erected before that When the building passed into or those honeymoon- ers who are intrigued by his- tory, yet are not such keen on the travelling abroad element! Then Scotland is the place to visit. History seeps from it’s every pore & it is abundant with ancient Castles and tales of old.