Homeless in Paris Homeless in Paris | Page 3

B"H purpose to their madness; they scandalize to death anyone who rejects their view. Do academics have reliability; well they're supposed to use a syste m called "the scientific method, " to eliminate every possibility except the one conclusion that stands up to every investigation. Could an official, elected to serve the public, propagate a view that was not to the advantage of the g enera l public, would a government agency label as a myth, a scam, this theory about global warming - if not altering the course of events which is causing the threat to the well -being of mother Earth and her creatures? According to certain me mbers of indiv iduals in the 2017 USA government, a scientist who claims there is much to be done to overcome threats to the environment is a psychotic person ; paranoia, he or she believes that something is out to harm the m, or seek glory beyond their reach of reality. The early twenty-first century in an ever-expanding universe o f digital information, much of which is contradictory. What's common to most humanity; at every reach of the globe, is that we have fallen into a botto mless abyss above which stand the technocrats who pride the mselves in what they claim to have achieved. "We've wired the world !" There are people walking around with microchips implanted under their skin, as required b y their employers. In order to co mply with the simple procedures o f "proper registration" to receive the benefits society doles out, we have to tender control of all data pertaining to our private matters. There is no privacy, no trust, and no mutual respect: humanity has been stripped of our soul, we are people bereft of raison d'etre (the purpose of life). And where do I, your author, stand in all this? Take this phrase, "I, your author" maybe as I'm writing these words, I'm really doing this as a spy devising personality traits that the Greedy Marauders wish to have implanted into yo ur character (brainwash you), and by reading this, you're unconsciously subscribing to the m. In the modern era, most of our minds are subject to sublimina l advertising, and it's only a step from there to political ideology. One need do a slight introspecti on to tune into his inner hatred, who so less good than he is an evil entity unto itself, which has to be destroyed. How do we determine to which ideology we attac h ourselves as loyal believers, willing to do anything so we're considered part of those for who m the shared principle is sacred? 3