identification with nationalism, parenthood, co mmunity, etc.
makes for lasting (electromagnet) relationships between souls
(internal vibration and externalized trans mission). I questio n
whether the incidence of loyalty to a system of governance, the
institution family ties, and cultural affiliations are properly
described by the word love. As to the fa mily I fathered, ticklis h
questions re main as to whether we are a sharing positive
connectivity; has my presence kindled a happy fli cker unto the
darkness of eternity. The feeling that one's children wish for hi m
or her to be known (loved) by their generation of his grandchildre n
is the epito me of freedo m. That freedom is cultivated by creative
Can vibrations of my past be sensed in the walls of my home ?
Can the plants in my garden recall my loving care ? Do my darlings
grow to be tzmachim smeaychie m (happy vegetation) because o f
the labor I've invested in them? Is not happiness a law pertaining
to the harmony of nature? Traditions I inherited fro m a familia l
matriarch; historical and fa miliar perspectives as though time was
and is an invisible bubble, my grandmother asking when to bless
the new moon has beco me the adhesive to bind my children to me .
Thus stated, allow me to explain. Fifty years back, I was a yeshiva
student and lived in reasonable connection to a grand mother who
practiced heartfelt devotion to the arrival of the new lunar month.
I have adopted and adapted the trait to a genetic inheritance by
virtue of making celebrations with my family.
The Tradition lives on so many generations as the me mory
inspires people that it has worth; in my case extends fro m my
great-grandparents to my great grandchildren: the reach of my
virtual sensations over seven out of the eight generations of light
represented by the menorah. Celebration. Talmud teaches and
modern religious Judais m adherents from National religious all the
way to Chassidim inherited the Tradition of the New Moon fro m
ancient times when a lunar month was a seasonal measure to keep
track of seasonal and natural cycles . I made fa mily into family
interactions that are not based on uploading digital sounds, and
binary images into a meaning of tones or associations ! I inculcate
in my grandchildren the family traditi on I received from my
grandparents, face -to-face transference of soulular energy.
I like to tell the joke about a Seattle bus driver fro m whom I
repeatedly requested information as to whether we were