Homeless in Paris Homeless in Paris | Page 25

B"H stress, I perform like a Swiss watch. These feelings are laden wit h the viciousness of bad dreams and by inscribing them on paper; they can be kept under lock and key. Decades of effort have I invested in the hope of distinguishing my connection to living beings ! What I have determined is that communication is conducted by Electromagnetic (EM) waves passing into the sense organs of people . The sound of organic substance such as leaves, the winds rustling the leaves, birdsong travelling through space all enter into my realm of perception as sound particles posing as increments of time, floating into a distance that see ms to stimulate memories stored within me. I so much want to think well of myself I try to explain it over and over, but has also been a project of rehab to take myself apart limb b y limb until each piece can be reassembled into a whole that expresses consistent ethical value inwardly and outwardly. In laymen tongue, one might say I screwed up but I'm dying to make amends through charitable act and righteous pursuits. I'm not agreeable to exist unless for the well-being of others, the goodness that has beco me characteristic of those with who m shared. Giving of myself in every action and thought is an exertio n of the relativity constant in the equation of mass squared, the result being time, ergo eternity, in this form will me mory cells preserve in a future. There's no roo m in my character for darkness, death -anger, or degradation; only light and happiness, Evil is a simple propensity with minimal longevity. Repression cannot change behavior for the better. Education de mands patient investment of strength and talents. W hat corporal punishment ma y achieve is that certain behaviors considered offensive may be brought to a cessation, whereas their propensity to occur beco mes strengthened. To what may this be likened? Hitting children for being aggressive, trains them to understand that violence ma y cause pain. Pain is a weapon, not an educational tool. During the time invested in authoring "A Father's Unceasing Love," I felled myself fro m upon the fa ce of the earth and in faithfulness displaced my negative emotions to a place where the y dissipated. I beca me a giant to my own thinking, the time of my existence actually spanning many decades, nay generations. That sense may be arrived at through alcohol and mind -altering influences, reality no longer affirmable to the mind. The matter under interrogation is whethe r the experience of huma n 25