aspect of the infinitive To Be that recognizes identification: am,
na me; are, function; is; abstract characteristic. The personalit y
formulation in our human character inhibits, excites, and directs
the behavioral patterns by which we associate to life. As children,
we were raised on a foundation; which we are obligated to
continue, the culture of human kindness . We were taught good
manners and to pay paid attention to our elders. The down to eart h
real effect of my youthful upbringing was extre mely detrimenta l
to my character, and my earnest quest is to determine whether and
whence having taking control of my personality, I can get back to
myself, get my soul back fro m the abductor. I AM.
The writings I produce are an intellectual exercise that prepare
my mind to overcome the limitations that bring me to destructive
happenstance. This is a treatise of de-identification from the
modern calamity: I used to title such compulsion as existentia l
suicide. Exploitation of human faithfulness causes degradation to
human worthiness. I disclaim sociological inclinations by certain
individuals to assert possession of the earthly resources that
rightfully belong to all of us equally. The human condition is a
responsibility to care for the planet that provides for our survival.
My criticis m of mankind is that net growth that concerns us must
be forestation; agricultural scientists claim that deserts that result
from abuse can become fertile. I think there is evidence to the fact
in the Negev Desert. As children in Jewish School, we were fond
of donating money to plant trees in Israel. That's what I'm talking
about when I say human faithfulness.
One can identify with life according to a particular definitio n
and yet accept within his or her character a multitude of variations .
At every instant, however, he or she must reconcile the totalit y
that enco mpasses the m; the "now" of every deliberation includes
combos that precede and antecede any prevailing circumstance. It
is incumbent upon a human being to control miniscule
manipulation of musculature , such as those that co mmand the
tongue to speak. The uttered word ma y determine a future designed
to encompass the constraint of my personage within self-propelled
perspective. This point is the midpoint of the universe in which I
AM energizes the gravitational entity that establishes my presence
as whom, what, and how or if not to be (existential suicide). My
education should enable me to do good, not necessarily "better
than," good is enough. The exertion of good increases how good