Homeless in Paris Homeless in Paris | Page 21

B"H have the propensity to, think of him or herself in terms of how we would act, act, or had acted in various situations during our maturation. These thoughts pursue us incessantly within the echo of our thinking minds. Auditory sensations re main true even after they're silenced. You see; the dimension that truly defines a perspective of lines - approaching a "vanishing point," is a motion of energy contained in the particles and molecules . Energy in motion produces a friction that is audible. Neither time nor space exist unto themselves, but only measure the motion of energy co mmunicated therein. The distance between two molecules is the spacelessness that includes all being. Thus proved, time and space are not dimensions like those of length, depth, and width. What goes on in our minds remains to eternity. Stroking the hand of a perso n communicates energy to the brain, even to someone disabled, and not conscious. The brain completes its neural sophistication at the age of puberty, but the mind never ages. Despite physiologica l degeneration, brain cells function until their energy resumes silence. Stuck Like Glue One way to look at the hurricane rains pounding Texas is to substantiate whether the water content is of Arctic origin. What adjustments to present situation in order to make future secure. Construction further inland, build mountain tall w alls, create air conditioning for che mical factories to prevent their explosion? ! The other way is to ask where I went wrong, in that I am a member of the world in which these events are taking place. There is reaso n to say I'm part of the bla me, maybe if not part of the solution. Like taking deep advice fro m Mama Nature, she'll only put up with so much. We must administer correction to out personality traits; and should we find ignorance to blame for our wanton behavior (that being abuse of the Onefulness Nature); it's upon us to institute remedial learning progra ms until we get it right. Is there an imbalance in nature the world will go crazy until balance is restored. I do not think that this journey into schizophrenia can cure me; I seek only to escape fro m the culprit upon whose stage I connived to please my tactical or e motional inclinations. Shakespeare spoke to the abstract when asking to be or not to be. There is a linguistic 21