Homeless in Paris Homeless in Paris | Page 14

B"H itself an entity that acts as the catalyst to facilitate it co mbining with others like it. Helium gas expands to contain the universe while hydrogen molecules co mbine int o other elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon that I would suppose are the building blocks of a mino acids, including whatever other elements needed to be fashioned in the process. The warmth of moving energy is the desire of life without which the creature is dead. There is good reason to fatho m the use of perspective to give literary expression to the appearance of objects or events being three-dimensiona l. The artist does this with the use of straight or curved lines; disappearing into a comprehensive nothing; whilst the deep coloration and detail are emphasized and similarly fade into insignificance. S hades of dark yield to the point beyond return; darkness as time absorbed mysteriously into the vanishin g point (lines or details of a story fading into oblivion). Many years after the trip to America , as I read and edit these verses, I fee l elicitation of sensations, even a degree of trepidation that prevailed then upon my personality. I subconsciously tweak any present occurrence as a viewing of myself back then. I subscribe to the philosophy that our physicality is a messenger that transport the sense of survival into the soul of every being, every element of creation I dare say, equally. Fro m a certain perspective, life disappears like a swirl of water flushed into the toilet or seen running into the street drains . It’s a dog world, meaning the human beast is being restrained by a leash on a collar, around the neck of the reader and the author both. All we possess are contracts and deposits, and if one dare dishonor the rules of loyal citizenship, he’ll be put in a cage. Alas, we are but city animals living lined up in shapeless houses row upon row similarly to the way pigeons live cooped up in laboratories. The harmony of earth and skies suffers the disruptive influence of mankind thereupon; we lay stripped of the identifying notion o f family or community, slave to earn a livelihood , with nothing to keep or pass on as a heritage. By engaging our creative thinking , and I have been pursued these fo rty some years by the cause o f service to my environmental being - we can; each of us, imagine possibilities what may be done by the individual who I AM . 14