a blur of grays, but as a literary concept would be phrased as a
doubtful glance I may have thrown in the direction thereof. Picture
the scene of you looking back by turning one's eyes to glance
behind his or her shoulder, seeing someone you surely recognized;
simply not able to retrieve in a more exact focus from memory.
The saltshaker on the table in front of me was sketched within
clear range of visual measurability.
Visual stimuli impress themselves on neuron receptors that
invoke images within brain tissue designed with substance that
gives form to visual perception. The sense of an apple within the
range of vision causes an arousal of hunger and engages the
me mory center that responds with emission of the fragrance the
mind relates to the ripe fruit . The smell of which, triggers a
reaction whereupon salivation initiates the motor process o f
ingesting: possession, taste, chewing, swallowing and virtua l
satisfaction of one's hunger. One may check for him or herself if
he or she will find that it's easier to develop recollection of past -
experiences by taking into account as many of the sensua l
perceptions as possible associated to the physicality of the
depicted stimuli that acco mpany arrival to pleasurable me mories .
The wise train the mselves to think and commit themselves to act
positively towards - first off - oneself.
I wish to assert that t he whole of reality is nothing but synapse
and impulses racing upon a nervous system that itself is a che mica l
compound that can be broken down to molecules; themselves
atoms of energy varied only by the orbit of electrons around a
proton. All the chemicals in the periodic table have a genetic DN A
structure and all the molecules that make up the universe originate
as a transmission on a continuum. It is their nature; they have come
into being in order to preserve the original energy that went into
the develop ment of the universe. The energy force of elements is
an electric impulse of pure energy that spins about and so doing
causes friction. Friction is the reaction of two masses in the
proximity of one another, the heat thereof an axio m of healthy
The ele ments of the universe search heat, we yearn for warmt h
as a precondition for growth and survival. Heat is the catalyst for
penetration into the space of their inner cell, in which reproductio n
is the aim and the game of life. As the hydrogen proton approaches
a state of stillness it will stagnate unless it attracts the electron,