Holiday Extras Holiday Extras - Christmas 2020 Edition | Page 20

Ingredients .



2 cups dried sorrel ( roselle / hibiscus sabdariffa ) 10 cups water 3 cinnamon sticks 4 star anise , whole 2 pieces orange peel , fresh ( 2-3 inches ) white sugar , to taste
Preparations .
2 cups dried sorrel Combine all ingredients , except the sugar , in a large pot .
Gently simmer for about 10 minutes , then remove from heat . Allow the mixture to sit for at least 30 minutes , up to 2 hours to infuse . Strain the mixture into a glass pitcher . Set in fridge to chill .
When ready to serve , sweeten and / or dilute the mixture to your preference . Serve over ice . Store unused portion in the fridge for up to
20 | Holiday EXTRAs 2020