Scholarship Program
The Chance Of A Lifetime
This is your HOBY Ambassador Leadership Year
In August 2013, The Hugh O'Brian (HOBY) Youth Leadership of Utah
anticipates awarding about 21 scholarships totaling approximately
$174,000 (Over 1 million dollars awarded to date). You/or a
representative MUST be present at the Awards Dinner to receive your
scholarship. You have a good opportunity to receive one of these
scholarships IF you start NOW!
As a HOBY Ambassador representing your high school in the May
2012 Leadership Seminar, you were challenged to return to your high
school and community and to make exciting things happen. Make a
significant positive impact on your school or community, THINK BIG,
marshal your forces, and organize your resources. We have heard of
some very exciting results. We want to recognize you for what you do.
In August of 2013 scholarships and a number of awards will be
presented to Ambassadors during an HOBY Awards Dinner for having
demonstrated their leadership skills. It will be exciting.
Purposes of the HOBY Scholarship Awards
• Provide a strong incentive for HOBY Ambassadors to show good
leadership in their high schools and communities.
• Provide an opportunity for Ambassadors to report on their
leadership experiences.
• Award scholarships and other recognitions for demonstrated HOBY
ALL HOBY Ambassadors are asked to submit one of the two following
reports about your junior year activities.
HOBY Ambassadors have TWO CHOICES:
• Notebook Report, a greater chance for scholarships (submit by mail)
• Summary Report, a chance for scholarships (by email or mail)
Submission Date: on or before July 1, 2013