HOBY Utah Seminar Program Book 2012 | Page 22

Junior Staff Application Don’t Miss a Great Opportunity “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” – Maya Angelou Any ambassador who attended the HOBY Utah 2012 conference will be eligible to be a member of the 2013 J-Staff team. Fill out this application and e-mail it to [email protected] by June 30, 2012. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Jackie Hammond or Belen Moyano. Thank you! Criteria that MUST be met to be part of the J-Staff team 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Attend the full conference beginning to end. NO EXCEPTIONS Attend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