which I now call home and gingerly places me in her wrinkled yet still soft finger. I can see her pain every time sees me now that Victor is gone. It’s been over four years since renal failure tore them apart leaving her here alone, with only myself and her weary memories to remind her of their epic love. Sarah sighs and closes her eyes to keep herself from daydreaming of their immaculate daily routine, which consisted by starting the day with freshly brewed chamomile tea.
Sarah stands up and she’s desperate to leave her home, to get away from the haunting memory of love. So she decided to go for a walk not far away from home and pick up some tea at Anggie’s. The walk to the store takes us less than fifteen minutes. She sits down at her usual table close to the window. The seat has been warmed by the sun’s rays, she gazes out into the street and is submerged into deep thoughts.
“Give me the money!” someone yells, this abrupt sound makes Sarah and I jump out of our skin. I’ve never seen him before, the man yelling at Anggie looks frantic. It takes me a moment to notice he has a gun in his hand.
“Please, Sir, I can’t, if I do then I’ll lose the store. I’m three months late in rent, I can’t afford it.” Anggie looks exhausted, drained.
“Do I look like I care? The money, now!” Anggie looks into his eyes with a pleading look, but the man’s motives are as hard as stone. Sarah is struggling to stand up. What is she doing?
“Sir” She calls with her delicate and sweet voice.
“Stay out of it ma’am, this doesn’t involve you.” Her hands begin to shake as she reaches for me. Carefully, she pulls me out of her finger and stretches her hand to the man whose face has shifted from immunity to bewilderment.
“Take it and leave.” She says as she lets me drop into his harsh hands. I realize this is the last time I’ll ever see her, and there’s absolutely nothing I can do about this. I’m being taken away. Anggie sniffles as the man backs out of the store. Sarah’s face is contorted with pain, but I understand that she’s not giving me up, she’s freeing herself from the aching memories I come with. The man closes his fist and I’m trapped inside, surrounded by darkness.