history 2 Febr. 2017 | Page 31

On Thursday afternoon , we visited the city of A Coruña and some of its important and beautiful monuments , including the Hercules Tower .
On Wednesday , we went to Santiago de Compostela where we played a treasure hunt to know the old part of the city . So , we gave each of the foreign teams a map with some instructions to follow . Basically , they had to find the selected monuments to answer the questions in the map and give us a picture proving they had not cheated . We met again one and a half hour later to share the pictures and check the correct answers . It was really fun !


Finally , on Wednesday evening , we celebrated the farewell dinner and we gave each other some presents and some nice words . It was an amazing experience both for teachers and students .

Extra ! Extra !

We have all the Welcome Act in video . If you want to watch it , use this QR symbol and enjoy �