Historical Evolution of sports Historical Evolucion of sports researchpdf | Page 31

 They have to take care of the athletes, for example for a place was they can sleep or solve transportation problems.  Organise medical services.  They help to give information to te public.  Organise cultural and social events.  Write the official report. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN OLYMPIC GAMES AND OLYMPIAD: It´s essential to differentiate very well Olympic Games and Olympiads, as many people often confuse. Firstly, the Olympic Games are sportive events in which athletes all around the world participate in different disciplines. These Games are held every four years and their location varies. On the other hand, Olympiads is the period between the Olympic Games, that is, those 4 years in which athletes train very hard and when the Olympic spirit is really shown. SECOND PERIOD SYMBOLS AND TRADITIONS: ● Olympic Ring The design of the original flag was created by Pierre Coubertin in 1914.The five Olympic rings represent the five majors regions of the world (Africa, Europe, Oceania, Asia and the Americas), and are connected to symbolize the good relationship between them on the games. The colors were chosen because at least one of them appeared on the flag of every country in the world. HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF SPORTS 31