Historical Evolution of sports Historical Evolucion of sports researchpdf | Page 30
As a result of all these influences, he postulated his own ideas which were:
1. Universal peace and interracial understanding: ‘’ The Olympic Spirit is
neither the property of one race nor of one age.’’
2. Avoid military humiliation with athletic power: ‘’Success comprises in
itself the seeds of its own decline and sport is not spared by this law.’’
3. The self-awareness through sports: ‘’The most important thing in the
Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is
not conquering but fighting well.’’
4. The harmony of physical and spiritual training: ‘’ Sport is the habitual and
voluntary cultivation of intensive physical effort.’’
5. the idea of human perfection with the help of physical achievement:
‘’Olympism... exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of
body, mind and will’’.
6. sports deliberately based upon ethics as the leading principle: ‘’ In the
Olympic Oath, I ask for only one thing: sporting loyalty.’’
7. respect for and tolerance of competitors: ‘’ All sports must be treated on
the basis of equality.’’
HOW IS IT MADE? (1896)
They have an Organising Committee. They have the next
main tasks:
Give equal treatment to every sport and stay in
the rules of the Ifs.
Look for the equipment and to choose and
sometimes design the installations.