Historical Evolution of sports Historical Evolucion of sports researchpdf | Page 20
Subsequently, it was no longer a question of overthrowing the adversary, but
breaking the spear over his armor or shield. It would win the one whose spear
flew, made in pieces, which indicated better aim.
Each pair of jiggers had the right to "run three spears," and to know which of
them had won, all we had to do was count the number of spears each had.
The encounter took place in any free space of the cities and it needs a very small
lot, for a giostra, so it was disputed by two horsemen.
Caroselo and Bigordo
Another modality, the caroselo, was a spectacle where the riders, while guiding
cars or carriages, turn around a central target and play games of dexterity and
skill. There was also the bigordo, a more flamboyant manifestation, but less
charged with ceremonies and less violent.
It was an exercise among the most popular in Italy, because it allowed the riders
to show their mastery and not to ride flaunting clothes, equipment and horses.
There was a physical activity directed to the military preparation of man in
defense of the domains of his Lord; and with the aim of integrating himself with
the Crusades, a movement used by the Church to liberate the holy places
(located in Palestine) occupied by the Muslim Turks.
The practice of the Equestrian Games, represented primarily by the
Tournaments and Justas, where the bravery, the loyalty and the chivalrous spirit
of the participants were a constant, provoked, centuries later, an enthusiastic
manifestation of the Baron de Coubertin:
"The Middle Ages knew a Sporting spirit of intensity and brilliance, probably
superior to that which was known to Greek antiquity itself “.
Years later this Baron de Coubertin would institute the Modern Olympic Games,
combining the Greeks ideal and the Chivalry code of the knights of the Medieval