Historical Evolution of sports Historical Evolucion of sports researchpdf | Page 19

performed. The knights should be skilled in handling the weapons, considering a timely plan of attack or defense. Quintana or Giostra The quintana or giostra of the sarraceno was an exercise of much play and dexterity, in which the knight, wielding a spear, tried to hit a target, usually puppets, representing the enemy (the saracen), in which was fixed a sword or a stick. There were also the arco races: horse races during which the riders were throwing arrows at a target. Jousts The Jousts were disputed between two knights, suitably clad in heavy armor, and protected by special shields. In the early days, the riders rushed against each other and try to overthrow the adversary, reaching him full with the spear. Sometimes the onslaught was so violent that the spear passed through the head or the chest of the adjusters. HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF SPORTS 19