His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine November-December November - December 2014 | Page 29
teenagers who are so eager to get
out and do their own thing, but are
restricted by their parents until
the appropriate age. Many of us
have been in the adolescent stage
of our Christian walk; therefore,
we have been in the cocoon stage
where we were restricted from doing things prematurely. The whole
time God was doing this to protect
us from falling. We were undergoing a major transformation in the
cocoon. We were becoming more
like Christ. We were learning the
meaning of His ultimate sacrifice.
We were being crucified to our old
life in order to embrace the new
life in Christ. There is beauty in the
cocoon. It may look bland on the
outside, but on the inside a beautiful transformation is taking
place. Life is being formed underneath the cocoon. Soon it will be
released to soar high, just like the
(Continued from page 23)
because they are in the “cocoon
stage.” They feel restricted by unseen pressure that will not let
them move forward. The unseen
pressure is the hand of God holding you in the cocoon stage. He is
restricting you because He is still
molding and shaping you to be
beautiful like the butterfly. He
can then use for His glory. This reminds
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation; old things
have passed away; behold, all
things have become new.”( 2 Corinthians 5:17)
...I have been
in the cocoon
getting ready to
come out of
years of waiting
what God has
called me to
do. I waited
We are shedding the old skin of
the cocoon, becoming a new creation of a butterfly in Christ.
...The life of a butterfly represents maturity in the life of a
Christian. You have the baby stage,
childhood, adolescence, and finally mature adulthood. The cocoon
stage would represent adolescence. I would like to think of
(Continued on page 34)