His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine January 2015 January 2015 | Page 3
January—February 2015
His people. Devotionals that truly
will bless you and encourage you
to keep on pushing through whatever
facing. Poetry that truly expresses
the love for and from the Father
to each one of us His children.
Powerful teachings, preaching
and messages for a deeper, closer
walk with the LORD. An intimate
look into the lives of those living
with disabilities and in spite of
their limitations continuing on
with a life devoted to serving. Authors that have given of
their time to write the ~heart
whispers~ from the LORD. And
an up close look into the lives of
those in service in God's Kingdom.
Blessed to be Supported:
Through our local ministry
and contributors to the ministry. ~His Heart Scribe~ Inspirations Devotional Magazine is a bi-monthly publication of ~His Heart Scribe~
Publications Paradise, CA
95969 USA.
Copyright ©
2010-2015 Center Mark Ministries Outreach International. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Reproduction
in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior permission of the publisher.
For comments, or questions or to submit articles, messages or letters send
your contact information email to:
Watchman on the Wall:
Minister Armando Aguinaga
Dawn Welker— Assistant typist,
assistant formatter; assistant editorial manager …
Ken Welker— Computer and Internet Infrastructure Manager …
We are open to your submissions,
would love to hear from you and
encourage your feedback!
Eric Higginbotham— Subscription Local Delivery Manager …
CjO Higginbotham— Editor, Article Submission Manager, Publisher …
Subscriptions to ~His Heart
Scribe~ Inspirations Devotional
Magazine are ^free^ by digital
PDF (email, download or web
viewer) subscription. Issues are
sent to partners, friends, churches, ministries, wellness centers,
behavioral health centers, hospitals, biblical study students, those
incarcerated and by request .
Layout Design—Courtesy of: Divine Designs by Cj & ‘A Cord of 3’
Prophetic Graphics …
We thank God for our faithful
friends, contributors, and most of
all the many prayer partners that
give so willingly of their time to
intercede for our mission and outreach!