His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine January 2015 January 2015 | Page 2

His Heart Scribe Inspirations His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine Volume IV No. 3 Glimpses of God’s Glory in Simple Places … Our January Messenger Feature: Prophetess Phyllis Ford Liviathan —Page 8 January 2015 edition of ~His Heart Scribe~ Magazine, published by -His Heart Scribe- Publications, Center Mark Ministries Outreach International and Zion's glory restoration place. ~A N I NTIMATE PORTRAIT T HE 10 TH H EBREW M ONTH OF TEVET T HE MONTH FOR “N EW L IFE TO F LOW ” —P AGE 4 Our January Messenger Feature: Prophetess Phyllis Ford ~R EFLECTIONS FROM THE S ECRET PLACE R YLISMS —P AGE 6 Chief Editor: CjO Higginbotham ~GLIMPSES OF GOD ’S GLORY Additional Contributors — R YLISMS , A MIR K AHN , C HRIS N IKOLOV A MIR K AHN —P AGE 10 Articles Include — ~A Motivational Moment Chris Nikolov —Page 12 Powerful, testimonies of God's grace and mercy in the lives of ~WHAT’S ON GOD’S MIND TODAY? Don Dickerman —Page 15 ~Looking Back at 2014 —Page 22 2