His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine January 2015 January 2015 | Page 19

January—February 2015 ence of God, in fervent prayer and repentance and instead depend on the influences of men. —> If we put our trust in the wrong things, this spirit will be our best cheerleader. COUNTER ATTACK: —>> All these things are vehicles to help us fulfill the blessing of God, but we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and remain broken daily before him. We must also walk in accountability to others who are co-laborers in Christ. 6. DELIVERANCE MINISTRY WILL BE ATTACKED —> It wants you to believe that “Christians cannot be tormented or troubled by demons” and therefore there’s no need for deliverance. —> Stops spiritual growth in people. They cannot pray or read their Bible. They may go to sleep during services and mock or come against deliverance and/or deliverance ministries. COUNTER ATTACK: —> According to (Mark 16:17) the true deliverance of God is casting out demons. This was evident in the ministry of Jesus Christ. —> Get rid of the demonic influences of Leviathan by “casting out in the name of Jesus.” Spirits of infirmity must sometimes be cast out for healing to be released and some situations are “this kind.” (Mark 9:29) KJV "And He said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." (Matthew 17:21) © Phyllis Ford Ministries 19