His Heart Scribe Inspirations Devotional Magazine January 2015 January 2015 | Page 18

His Heart Scribe Inspirations (Continued from page 9-Leviathan) COUNTER ATTACK: —> By simply saying, “Leviathan I bind you in Jesus’ name.” 3. PROPHETIC WORD WILL BE ATTACKED —> It wants to twist God’s truth and rob us of our promise. COUNTER ATTACK: —>> By simply binding this spirit from your prophetic promises. 4. TEMPTATIONS OF PRIDE —> —> —> It promotes self and self-serving agendas. It wants to set you up with a false confidence. It wants to get your identity out of what you do rather than who you are. COUNTER ATTACK: —>> Watch out for a false confidence and keep a humble trust in the Lord. —>> By giving all areas of pride or self-righteousness to the Lord and ask for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in our lives and ministries. 5. PUT TRUST IN THINGS RATHER THAN INTIMACY WITH GOD —> It wants to promote you ahead of the Lord’s leading and move you into a place, where you no longer to tally depend on the Holy Spirit but on your own gifting, charisma, finances or denomination, traditions or programs. —> It wants us to get to a place in our ministries where we can get the work done without being in the pres- 18