I have realized that worry doesn’t get me anywhere except in a dark place I don’t want to be in, nor a place that blesses anyone around me. Questions fill my head about what to do next and what will happen if I don’t do this or that. I try one or two of the possible solutions I came up with, but still things just don’t seem right. I become bitter, instead of at peace. Why?
Our Heavenly Father never intended us to just live in this world alone and do everything on our own. Even in the Garden of Eden, He was instructing Adam and Eve. They chose to do things on their own, make their own decisions. The world would be a different place had they just listened to God.
And what about Lucifer? He was one of the high archangels in charge of music, but he chose to do things his own way, wanting to be God.
What if you feel you can’t just trust and follow Him? This stems from not living in the Spirit. God does not give us the spirit of fear, but one of love, power, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). When you allow the fear to take over your mind and your actions, then you can’t live in the true Spirit of God. In the Spirit, we have peace, comfort and joy. We are protected and guided in our steps. Our Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to meet Him in prayer and thanksgiving. Tell Him your needs and wants. He will always answer what is best for you at the time. He is not one who just condemns and judges your past mistakes. He meets you in your darkest, weakest moments grabbing your right hand pulling you through to the other side, so that you may be stronger and wiser after your trial Isaiah 41:13. He never leaves or forsakes you Deuteronomy 31:6.
It isn’t all about you. When you live in fear and anxiety, you are not sharing His spirit of love, joy and peace. How can you reach others when you are caught up in your own darkness? Sometimes, it is when you reach out to others when you are in darkness that God shines more light on you. You then have another testimony of His glory that you can share with others. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus said to follow me and I will make you fishers of men. You can’t do that if you are caught up in your own mess. When you live in your fears and anxiety, you aren’t able to reach others.