The Bible speaks of alcohol often. In fact, there are verses that direct you to drink wine. 1 Timothy 5:23-Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses. There are verses that indicate to drink in moderation as well. Therefore, from the beginning, there has been substance use. I do not know the history of wine, but by scripture, we know that it has always had the ability to change behavior. Ephesians 5:18-And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit.
Words associated with debauchery- vile, depravity, seduction, intemperance (aka, insobriety- lack of restraint, excessive or immoderate indulgence of alcohol) Today our family is living in the hopes of sobriety. I pray every day for the calm and opposite of debauchery. Overcome with fear on most days, I leave home and hope my child will stay strong- my child, of course, referring to a 25-year-old mother of three.
The two words I have least found comfort in over the last four years, and especially the last three months, are rest and trust. As we make our way through the tunnels of recovery, there is a reminder that God is above this world and the complications in it. It is when I feel the most unrest I must press in and push through. One of the definitions of rest is freedom from anything that troubles, causes uneasiness, or disturbs. My trust is the confidant expectation of something; or hope. When reworded, freedom and hope change this broken, spiraling soul into a held and beloved child of God.
Alcoholism has baffled me. It has brought on this concept of giving up, lying, forgetting, and suicide attempts. We have gone through two short-term hospitalizations. I have cared for my grandkids in a capacity I never thought I would. I am doing my best to maintain my own mental health as I help others maintain theirs. I feel pulled and tugged in a million directions without a map to find my way. Still, the rest and truth I find in the Lord eases the tension life creates.
How do people get through life without faith? Where is a life raft for those who do not believe in the life giver of all? Our victory comes through the Lord, the maker of heaven and of earth.
Joshua 1:9- Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Lisa is a freelance writer and speaker. Married and a mother of four grown children, she courageously shares her personal experiences through her journey as a believer in Jesus Christ.