hire website design experts port moresby Web Design Trends 2019_ Voice Interfaces, Image Se | Page 3

2. Typography-based Layouts Typography has always been fundamental in design, (not so much when the technology didn’t permit it) but now we have a high level of freedom, expression and experimentation, typography is taking its rightful place. In a dominant way as if joyfully getting its own back for years of suffering due to the scarcity of fonts and problems with legibility and compatibility in the primitive days of web design. 3. Variable Fonts Variable Fonts currently doesn't have enough browser support but should be on our list of skills to learn. Variable Fonts are the evolution of the OpenType font specification. One font file can contain multiple variations of the typeface. Using CSSit is possible to access these variations and animate transitions between styles. 4.Decorated, Augmented And Big Paragraphs The size has increased considerably and we’re not shy when it comes to combining fonts and decorative styles, Big Paragraphs are one of the key terms in trends.