hire website design experts port moresby Web Design Trends 2019_ Voice Interfaces, Image Se | Page 2

The concept of “Trends” can often be taken as less than complimentary. However, knowing and experimenting with the latest advancements leads to learning new techniques, acquiring more skills and using different styles in a playful way as they appear and evolve.We love dreaming up a weird and funny future, as mere spectators we have analysed the following imaginative websites with amazement, and feel really lucky to live in such an age where brilliant technology leaves us speechless nearly every day.It’s time to get to the action, so here’s our “List of Fundamental Web Design Trends for 2019”. VISUAL DESIGN & INTERACTION 1.Crafting A Singular Voice With Illustration Illustration is used as an element of difference because it culturally reminds us of the exclusive nature of art. In the recent age of illustration flourishing in the tech industry, we have examples from Slack, Airbnb, Mailchimp, Dropbox and WeTran sfer that showcase work from different designers and artists as a way of making the waiting process more pleasant for the user and to communicate emotions and brand values.