HIMPower Magazine | Page 38

Two Little Words by Karen White
For Your Inspiration

Two Little Words by Karen White

Many articles and books have been written about salvation . Preachers preach about it and teachers teach it but in reality salvation can be explained using two little words . Those two little words are “ to ” and “ from ”.

All one has to do in order to receive salvation is explained in Isaiah 45:22 NIV “ Turn to me and be saved , all you ends of the earth ; for I am God , and there is no other .” We must turn to Him believing that Jesus is His son and was sent to die for our sins . In addition , Luke 13:5 NIV says , “ No indeed ! And I tell you that if you do not turn from your sins , you will all die as they did .” You see in order to be saved one must also admit they are a sinner and turn from those sins .
The Bible tells us that God loved us so much that He sent His son to take all of our sins upon Himself and pay the price of those sins , which is death . The Good News is that because Jesus paid for our sins by dying we will never die ; oh our physical bodies will die but our spirit will live eternally in Heaven . So you see salvation is simple : turn to Him and from our sins .
Dear Lord , Thank you for sending Your son to die in our place and for Your assurance that all who turn to You and from their sins will live for all eternity with You . In Jesus ’ name , Amen .
38 HimPower November 2016