HIMPower Magazine | Page 28

by Terry Lemerond
Health & Wellness

Stop Diabetes and Get Your Blood Sugar Under Control !

by Terry Lemerond

Terry ’ s Bottom Line :
High blood sugar and Type 2 diabetes are rampant . However , the need for supplemental insulin and the complications of diabetes – vision loss , nerve damage , kidney disease , heart disease and more – are completely preventable ! In addition to committing to rethinking your diet and getting sensible exercise , there are proven ingredients that can help your body properly metabolize glucose and get your blood sugar levels down . These nutrients :
• Help metabolize carbohydrates and sugars
• Keep sugar levels at an even keel throughout the day
• Prevent damage to nerve endings
• Help turn calories into energy rather that fat
• Normalize circulating blood glucose
• Reduce sugar cravings
• The CDC reports that approximately 35 percent of Americans age 20 or older have pre-diabetes . That number soars to 50 percent for Americans over the age of 65 . And that ’ s not even counting those who have undiagnosed diabetes – unaware that they even have the disease until they start to have physical complications . Clearly , blood sugar is a serious concern .
• I find the rise in cases of type 2 diabetes alarming . If you ’ ve ever wondered why we ’ re seeing such an epidemic of diabetes and prediabetes , all you have to do is look at our diets .
Nutrients to Balance Your Blood Sugar
Aside from diet and exercise , begin your recovery from high blood sugar with powerful supplemental nutrients . There are many that have extensive research , but some of the best include benfotiamine , biotin , chromium , mulberry leaf extract , and purslane .
Mulberry – More Effective than Drugs for Reducing Blood Sugar
Mulberry ( Morus alba ) trees are very common throughout the world , and their medicinal value is very impressive . In a clinical study published in the journal Clinica Chimica Acta , patients with type 2 diabetes treated with a mulberry leaf extract significantly improved their glycemic control compared to glibenclamide ( a drug ) treatment . Comparing the two , fasting blood glucose after treatment with glibenclamide decreased by 8 percent . After mulberry treatment ? 27 percent !
28 HimPower November 2016