HIMPower Magazine | Page 20

who you are and what you have accomplished in life, struggles comes to us all! We can’t bypass trials and tribulations in life especially if they are orchestrated by the hands of the master and is a part of his overall plan and purpose for our lives, to better us, to equip us and to establish us so that we may be useful for his kingdom. It has given my ministry clearer focus and direction. It has caused me to be more sympathetic and non-judgmental to the plight of humankind and the things people go through whether it was their fault or not. And, it has made me a better Christian in that it has made me more “kingdom focused” than “me focused!” HimPower Magazine: What have you not yet done that you would like to do? Jennifer Workman: I am working towards becoming a playwright and I have completed many screenplays i.e. Power Over Darkness, Be Careful What You Ask For, Egyptian Silk and Forbidden Fruit, and I continue to write “as it speak.” I am prayerful about the transition and will speak more about that as God manifest himself in the process. But, what I will say is that every script that I have written has a message encapsulated in them and my purpose for writing them is to inspire, encourage and empower people in different walks of life. Many of my scripts address topics of drugs, sex, relational issues, forgiveness, betrayal and the “list goes on and on.” But in writing these works as well as others, my pri- 20  HimPower November 2016 mary goal is that through these works, people will receive healing and deliverance from all those issues of life that plagues them and ultimately surrender their lives to the Lord! HimPower Magazine: What’s next for you and Simply Victorious Ministries? Jennifer Workman: I am prayerful about that but I just pray that the Lord continues to use me in the different areas that he is doing as it relates to public speaking, authoring books, articles, screenplays and other projects via the Holy Spirit’s direction. I just want to be a vessel for the Lord and am open to receive to his leading and directing my life. HimPower Magazine: Is there anything else you would like readers to know? Jennifer Workman: Don’t be discouraged but “look to Jesus which is the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2, NKJV).” Know that “weeping may endureth for a night but joy cometh in the morning (Psalms 30:5, NKJV).” There are many of you out there that are going through situations right now that may seem insurmountable but God has the last “say so!” Pray to God for it is through prayer and communing in the presence of the Lord that we receive strength, insight, wisdom and direction for life and just know that although he may not come when you want him to he is always right on time! I love you all and my prayer is for victory in every arena of your life in Jesus name!