Holy Spirit and God is
in life don’t go the way
pouring into me as he
that you plan or are you
Stay the course, pray,
sees fit, is the fuel that
quick to “throw in the
drives me and makes
towel” and say “what’s
pray and consult God
everything that I do a
the use?” I believe that in
pleasurable and fulfilling
order for us to be all that
about everything as he
God intends for us to be
wisHimPower Magit requires an unshakable
dom, discernment and
azine: What about the
resolve to press forward
ministry do you find most
when it seems we have
direction for life.
challenging and why?
nothing on which to
Jennifer Workman:
I just feel like there isn’t
As I take a look
enough time in the day to
back over my life thus far
do as much as I desire to
and all of the various trido. Many times because
als and tribulations that
of the limited time frame that I am working
I’ve had to encounter, I am amazed at all that
with and other priorities as it relates to family God was teaching me in the process about
and other obligations, I am not able to invest
myself, himself and others and is still teaching
much needed time in ministry related objecme every day.
tives and other projects as I would desire to
and, when I do have the time, I feel that I can
God’s Lesson Plan: Teachable Moments:
sometimes become too engrossed in what I
Lesson One: Patience
am doing that I don’t take enough time for
Lesson Two: Hold My Peace
myself as I should because I am “so other’s
Lesson Three: Time Isn’t a Factor with God
focused” and invested in others lives!
Lesson Four: Love My Enemies
HimPower Magazine: Tell us about
Lesson Five: I am Blessed in a Mess
your new book.
Lesson Six: Forgiveness
Jennifer Workman: As it relates to
the book, “Never Say Never: Conquering the
Spiritual Nuggets: Inspirational Articles for
Storms of Life with Unshakable Faith and Per- Daily Life
An array of inspirational articles on
a plethora of subjects to ministry to and
empower people in their walk with God as
“What is your response to life’s diffiwell as their daily walk in life i.e. “My Best Life,
culties? Are you quick to recover when things Yet,” “Prevailing Prayer,” “Trust God” and “The
18 HimPower November 2016