to yourself ? Do you pause at the door and look around to see who ’ s watching ? Do you intentionally command all of the attention when you scan the room ? If so , you are more than likely a “ Here I Am ” lady .
On the flip side of that , when you walk in the room , do you look for someone to talk to ? Are you searching for some lonely eyes so you can keep them company ? Are you aware of people who look sad and rush to them to make them laugh ? Are you perusing the room to find a seat mate that you ’ ve been waiting to chat with ? If so , you are a “ There You Are ” lady .
Interestingly enough , the Here I Am woman is often me-centered . She needs an entourage , a clique , or an audience . She needs validation and assurance that she is center-stage . The “ There You Are ” woman is other-centered , she looks for someone to minister to .
As I thought about this , I thought about Jesus . Somehow He fit into both categories . He tried to come in and minister to specific needs of people without being seen , discreetly , quietly , and with good intent , but by the time He ’ d touched the lives of various souls , everyone around was aware of His presence . God ’ s light in Him moved Him from a “ There You Are ” person to a “ Here I Am ” person .
Now the “ Here I Am ” was not by Jesus ’ own volition . Jesus was a loner . He had a few select friends , and even fewer close friends ; however , no matter how He tried to move quietly through the cities , He was always recognized by someone else .
I assure you that Jesus didn ’ t pause at the gates of Jerusalem and wait for people to rush to His outstretched arms . He didn ’ t do a runway sashay across the dusty streets of Galilee . To the contrary , He tried to allay ruckus . He wanted to be behind the scenes .
The point : Often we go through all kinds of transitions to get people to notice us . We fix up and slim down and make up and move around dramatically just to get a little validation . If it were P . C ., many of us would put a T-Shirt on that said “ Look At Me !” to have the floor at all times . Unfortunately , that ’ s not a God-like attitude .
Let God handle the attention you get . If we become other-centered , God will automatically draw people to us with His spirit in us . Understand , our lives , ladies , are ministries to others who need to be fed . As ministers of Gods ’ gospel , Jesus Christ , our only responsibility is to lift up the name of Jesus by being a living example of who He is and how He works in our lives . Trust and believe , God will transition your “ There You Are ” attitude into a “ Here I Am ” for Christ lifestyle .
So next time you walk into the room , check your posture . Look around to see who you can encourage . Check faces to see who needs a Word from God . Ask God to reveal to you the person ( s ) who just needs a hug , a comment , a “ You look amazing , girl !” The feeling of ministry on the inside will far exceed the compliments and accolades you desire to receive for your outward presentation .
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