HIMPower Magazine October Issue | Page 40

father ’ s mind , the son has been restored to his original right standing as his son . Witter sums up that “ from the father ’ s perspective , there was no condemnation , only unconditional love and compassion toward his son . He ran toward him and embraced him and kissed him fervently , which must have shocked the son .” In the father ’ s mind , the son ’ s position was never negated in the first place , even though the son had thought he had lost his sonship . The father ’ s “ focus was not on reprimanding him for wasting his inheritance , but rather on reminding him of who he was , and restoring him to the honored position as his son ”, explains Witter . The father declared his son restored !
The father ’ s passion for his son ’ s return is obvious . The Message version of the Bible in Luke 15:20-24 concludes :
“ When he was still a long way off , his father saw him . His heart pounding , he ran out , embraced him , and kissed him . The son stated his speech : ‘ Father , I ’ ve sinned against God , I ’ ve sinned before you ; I don ’ t deserve to be called your son ever again .’ But the father wasn ’ t listening . He was calling to the servants , ‘ Quick . Bring a clean set of clothes and dress him . Put the family ring on his finger and sandals on his feet . Then get a grain-fed heifer and roast it . We ’ re going to feast ! We ’ re going to have a wonderful time ! My son is here — given up for dead and now alive ! Given up for lost and now found !’ And they began to have a wonderful time .”
God is not obsessed with do ’ s and don ’ ts , rights and wrongs . Nor is He a dictator standing idly by with crossed arms watching humanity writhe because of their lack of perspective and mistakes . The wayward son tangibly received love and acceptance from his father through smiles , affection , and gifts . Perhaps the parable of the prodigal son is misnamed . With an enlightened shift of thinking , the parable could be called : the parable of the loving father . God has humanity ’ s best interest in mind .
Yet people try to fill their lives by self-medicating themselves with addictive or compulsive behaviors , numbing both emotions and life , instead of depending on God ’ s love relationship . These forms of self-dependence are a counterfeit to God ’ s Love , which delivers peace and acceptance that every person craves . Hurtful addictions sedate the writhing , internal pain of emptiness that is so big on the inside that it threatens to violently burst the body from the inside out . Jesus understands . Only a relationship with Jesus fills the ache and replaces the hurtful addiction . All other remedies are temporary bandages on the wound that continues to fester . Only Jesus is the True Healer . He takes humanity as we are and loves us through life ’ s hellacious hurts and broken bones .
God ’ s compassion on His creation is evident in the passage of the Bible found in Jeremiah 29:11 in the Message version which states , “ I know what I ’ m doing . I have it all planned out--plans to take care of you , not abandon you , plans to give you the future you hope for .” How is this possible ? It is difficult
40 HimPower October 2016