in order to suppress an opposing nation or
itance prematurely. Elated, the son ventured
people into submitting to their own agenda.
into a far country and squandered his inheriThroughout history, people’s religion subdued tance on frivolous, cheap thrills. “He believed
people in the name of conquest according to
the lie that he lacked in some way and he was
what was considered to be right in their own
going to get his needs met outside of his relaeyes, which is moral relativism. Unfortunately, tionship with his father”, explains Connie WitChristianity and God have fallen into this cate- ter in her book entitled Living Loved Loving
gory, causing a subtle, deceptive misrepresen- Free. The son eventually wasted all his money
tation of Christianity and
and didn’t have enough
God. Humans are frail and
money to eat. His job
fallible; the Bible is steady
consisted of feeding pigs,
and solid. Humans flounand he was so famished
der on moral relativism;
that he would have eaten
the Bible proclaims absothe pig’s food, but no
restored to his original
lute truth that establishes
one gave him any. The
heart freedom. Depenson exhibits sorrow and
right standing as his
dency on human opinion
repentance for his hurtful
creates chaos; dependency
actions toward himself
on God’s opinion produces
and others. After living
provisions. No one has
like a slave, he decided
all the answers. Life can
to ask his father if he
be painful and too often seem morbid. How
could be a servant of his in order to be able
do the Bible and God fit into this crushing
to eat three meals a day. At this point, the
despair? Is there Hope? Is there Light? I ask
son was not even considering himself to be
these questions. If the Bible is considered
a son anymore after the way that he acted.
absolute truth and is read as a whole without
Witter states, “Because of his failure, the son’s
any preconceived ideas about the interpretaopinion of himself was that he was no longer
tion, the words of the Bible come alive in lush worthy to be called a son. But even though he
ways, awakening the reader to life and freebelieved the lie that he deserved to pay for his
dom—awareness is birthed.
sin that was not how his father felt about him.”
In the Bible, there is a story about a son The son travels home and his father sees him
and a wealthy father. In this story or parable,
from afar and runs to him and showers gifts
the father symbolizes God, and the son repon him, treating him like royalty. Exuberant
resents humanity. The son asked for his inher- to see his son, the father throws him a rockin’
itance early. The father gave his son the inher- party, with euphoric dancing and wine. In the 39