Dr. Lomax:
High blood pressure is unfortunately still a very common, preventable, chronic disease
in our country and especially in the African American community. Its causes are multi-factorial e.g. poor diet, sedentary lifestyles, stress etc. In western medicine uncontrolled high blood
pressure is generally managed with prescription medication. Although they can be very effective at controlling it, they more often than not come with intolerable and sometimes deadly
side effects, some of which you mention in your question. There are many well-known natural
remedies that can also provide significant blood pressure lowering benefits and positive health
characteristics as well. Some of them are very common e.g. ginger-cardamon tea, cinnamon,
garlic in tablet form, fish and flaxseed oil, hawthorn, various fruits e.g. watermelon and blueberries etc. Decreasing our salt intake is also highly advisable as there is a tremendous amount
of salt already in the food we eat so additional salt is not needed.
Routine exercise and being active can also help maintain normal blood pressure and a
healthy heart. Exercise also helps with proper weight management and stress reduction. Stress
can have a very negative effect on blood pressure and heart health in general so it is important
to keep it to a minimum. Simply walking 30-45 minutes in the morning and evening after meals,
or any chance we get is a great way to accomplish this. Regarding apple cider vinegar there
are numerous health benefits e.g. in diabetes, high cholesterol, weight management, digestive
and immune health etc; however, as far as I know there is no significant data or research that
emphasizes that it helps with lowering blood pressure. But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t.
Three excellent references are:
• http://everydayroots.com/high-blood-pressure-remedies
• http://www.healthline.com/health/high-blood-pressure-hypertension/herbs-to-lower
• http://mamavation.com/2015/01/25-ways-apple-cider-vinegar-will-change-life.html
So let’s do our best to lay off the salt, stay hydrated, decrease the stress in our lives, eat
healthier and be more active! And as always prior to making any changes to medication regimens or adding herbal or natural remedies and supplements please advise your primary physician so they can adjust your medication(s) e.g. decrease, discontinue them etc. if and when
indicated to avoid any potential negative interactions.
Dr. Lenny Lomax is a Licensed Physician & Orthopaedic Surgeon. He defines his role of physician as being someone trusted
by patients and their families. ‘Doctors are expected to heal, not cause more pain and suffering’. Dr. Lomax acknowledges that
natural medications have the potential to greatly improve the public’s general health and well-being, as our country has become a
nation addicted to pills, which is destroying our communities. His mission is to find a resolution to this pervasive problem by offering effective natural solutions to remedy this global problem. As he often states “I know GOD made me for this purpose. It makes
my spirit full and motivates me! I am so encouraged that I have been blessed with this mission. I became a Doctor to help people
and that’s exactly what I plan to do.”
Guidance and opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those held by the publisher. Any information
provided by Pneu-Path for Living, LLC ™ via HimPower Magazine ™ or other form of communication regarding options for
personal empowerment or wellness is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
The information is provided for informational purposes only to make readers aware of other options available. Always seek
the advice of your physician or other qualified health p