HIMPower Magazine October Issue | Page 20

the challenges you ’ re facing , work together for your good . God is an expert at taking the messes in our lives and working them into the plan so that when we look back , rather than say that the challenge destroyed us , we will say that the challenge helped us win . So hold on to God and don ’ t ever let Him go . He is the master game changer . When I look back on my life and all of the challenges I have had , the only reason I can still walk in my purpose , in spite of everything the enemy has done , is because God has never left me . You are not alone , God is with you , if you have gone away from Him , it ’ s time to run back into the loving arms of a Father who never fails . If you have not accepted Him , then it is time to ask Him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior .
HimPower Magazine : You are accomplished in many areas . What led you to become a writer , public speaker , trainer and coach ?
Eturuvie Erebor : I have been writing since I was about 12 years old although I did not publish any
I joined the John Maxwell Team because I had followed John for years and I loved the work he did . Also I wanted to get some training that would help me improve and bring excellence to what I was already doing . Being a member of the John Maxwell Team has brought many benefits to my career . I am learning and growing on a daily basis . It has also spurred me into action like never before , helped me to be more focused , committed and determined to succeed at what I do .
And that has opened many doors for me and caused me to meet people I never thought I would meet .
HimPower Magazine : What can you tell us about the John Maxwell Team and what advice would you have for someone who aspired to become an independent certified speaker with this organization ?
Eturuvie Erebor : For anyone who aspires to be a member of the JMT ( John Maxwell Team ) I would like to say that it is certainly worth the investment as it is a life time of learning . Resources are constantly added to the online university I don ’ t think I have been through half of them yet . It is certainly worth every penny .
HimPower Magazine : Tell us about DOZ , what it stands for and why you decided to publish this women ’ s lifestyle magazine .
Eturuvie Erebor : DOZ is an acronym for Daughters of Zion and I initially started publishing DOZ Magazine in 2009 . Following my short lived marriage and divorce I decided that writing would be a good out-let for some of the pain I was feeling at the time . I wrote my story , just pouring my heart out on paper . When my story was finished , I had two options , turn it in to an established magazine or establish a magazine of my own that would feature my story . I chose the latter and that ’ s how DOZ Magazine was born . It was well received and expanded within a very short time but because I wasn ’ t well equipped to face some challenges that faced our operations at the time I shut it down and went back to my day job . But interestingly , for seven
20 HimPower October 2016