Marion Brooks: It’s exciting to help drive
the people development, retention and
recruitment strategy for so many people and
to be in a position to help people maximize
their impact, performance and potential.
HimPower: What are your key messages
to people when you promote diversity and
Marion Brooks: I coach on the impor-
tance of emotional intelligence that accepts
feedback, engaging mentors who will
become sponsors, engage in an authentic
way, finding someone who has done what
you want to do.
HimPower: What’s at the core of EI and
why is it important for them to understand?
Marion Brooks: Emotional intelligence
is the key foundation to their success.
According to research, 80% of your success
will be based on EI and 20% on IQ. Think
of this way, there are a lot of smart people
out there, but not a lot of emotionally
intelligent people. My definition of EI is
“the ability to manage yourself and your
environment more effectively to get better
HimPower: What You Don’t Know Is
Hurting You is an extraordinary book and
a lot of people are benefitting from what
you’ve shared. Is there a way for them to get
coaching and additional tools?
Marion Brooks: I do 1:1 coaching with
clients, teach workshops, and do key note
speeches. I’m also launching an e-course in
the first quarter of 2019. I’ll get back to you
on when.
26 HimPower January/February 2019
HimPower: You must have a lot of people
to look at your life and ask how you did it.
How do you respond?
Marion Brooks: I’ll tell you a short story.
I was doing a presentation for executives
and during the Q /A, one of them said he
was so impressed with how successful I had
become, that he hadn’t gone through a half
of what I had gone through and he wanted
to know how I had accomplished so much in
spite of my experiences. I explained it was
not in spite of, but because of what I had to
go through that I had been able to accom-
plish all that I have. If my parents had been
the parents I wanted them to be, I wouldn’t
have been raised by my grandparents.
HimPower: Any parting thoughts for our
Marion Brooks: Always look for opportu-
nities and lessons in your obstacles. What
you focus on grows, the more you focus
on the obstacle the bigger it gets. Shift
your focus to what you learned from the
situation, and you will move from what
happened, to making things happen!
HimPower: Is there anything we haven’t
covered that you would like our readers to
Marion Brooks: If it’s possible for me, it’s
possible for them. Sometimes they just need
access to information that will help them.
For more information on how to connect with
Marion or purchase What You Don’t Know is
Hurting You: 4 Keys to a Phenomenal Career, go
to .