Marion Brooks: There were a lot of days
taken the safer path and continued the
when I would wake up in panic and think,
churn up the corporate ladder chasing the
“What did you do?”, “Did you really turn-
money. How did you get the courage to take
down those opportunities”? I remember, I
such a risk?
was working in corporate America, studying
Marion Brooks: I just didn’t care anymore
for my international certification as an
about what they thought. There were a lot
executive, coaching
of people who were
clients, and I had just
not successful because
launched a staffing
The way I do it is to stay focused no one was sharing
agency, and writing
with them. I decided,
the book. It was so
what will be, will
to focus your priorities and
much I decided that
be. I could sell real
I had to drop some-
energies on your purpose. You estate again or what-
thing, so I decided
ever, I understood my
to put the book on
purpose was to invest
priorities and energies aren’t
hold for a year. When
in people.
I told my daughters’
HimPower: A best-
aligned with my purpose, they
mother she initially
selling author, busy
said okay, but she
executive, head of a
called me a couple of
foundation, parenting
days later and she had a dream and I had
four daughters, how do you do it all and
to write the book now! She said she would
find balance?
support me stopping anything but the book
Marion Brooks: The way I do it is to
because she felt the book would help a lot of stay focused on my purpose. You have to
focus your priorities and energies on your
HimPower: Were you surprised that your purpose. You have to have outlets, but if my
company would leverage the knowledge you priorities and energies aren’t aligned with
shared in the book in their diversity and
my purpose, they get left off. Every week, I
inclusion initiative?
look at my schedule and align my activities
Marion Brooks: I was talking to my
with objectives for the year and put them in
mentor, a senior executive, and she said she
4 buckets: Impact on the world, Financial,
would never have imagined my company
Personal and Misc. Everything has to fall
leveraging me in the way they have since
in alignment. If there is a lot in Misc, I ask,
I’ve written the book. Honestly, I did not
“Why am I doing this.”
know what to expect, but I knew I had to
HimPower: What do you enjoy most
write the book.
about your role as Vice President of Diver-
HimPower: A lot of people would have
sity and Inclusion at your company? 25