Refined salt (use Celtic Sea Salt)
All vegetable oils (corn, soy, sunflower,
safflower seed), vegetable shortening,
and margarine
Soft drinks (sweetened or diet)
Juice (eat the fruit instead)
Artificial coloring, artificial flavoring.
glycemic index of the foods you eat. The
glycemic index measures how foods affect
blood sugar in the body. The lower the
glycemic index for a food, the less it affects
blood sugar and insulin levels. Carbohy-
drates typically have high glycemic index
Second, you’ll want a way to find out
how many grams of carbohydrates are in the
It can be difficult to cut your carbohy-
foods you eat. For both of these, you could
drate intake as you work to improve your
use books, websites, or an app.
diet, but it’s worth it. Controlling carbohy-
Use these tips to help you stay low-car-
drates will have the most meaningful impact bohydrates:
on healing and restoring your health, as well • Consume no more than 72 grams of
as losing the weight you always wanted to
carbohydrates daily.
lose (especially your belly fat).
• Get your carbohydrates primarily from
To help make controlling carbohydrates
vegetables with smaller quantities of
easier, you’ll want two things.
First, you’ll want to keep track of the
• Know the grams of carbohydrates in
14 HimPower January/February 2019