HIMPower Magazine HimPower September 2017 | Page 8
“You Are Not Alone”
by Jennifer Workman
love the opportunity to walk alone at
times for I find that it is very therapeutic
and allows me time to meditate and spend
time with God without distraction. But,
sadly, there are many people in the world
that are alone not because they want to be
but because of tragedy, lost and broken
relationships. For example, an elderly cou-
ple that had been married for sixty years
and then all of a sudden, the husband dies
and leaves his wife behind and then shortly
thereafter you hear of her dying as well!
This reaffirmed to me how relational
we are as human beings and how we have
been created on this earth to be a part of
each other lives. We are not an “island unto
ourselves” and we need relationships in
order to adequately function. That is why,
8 HimPower September 2017
in the beginning of creation, God created
the woman for the man for he stated “that
is wasn’t good for man to be alone (Genesis
2:18, NLT). “As we look at our health and
the benefits of relationships, statistically
it has been shown that a happily married
couple lives much longer than a single
person. We need people in our lives for it
is hard to go through challenges and diffi-
culties on your own. But it is a great source
of strength and encouragement to have
someone in your corner that is “your cheer-
leader” and supports you along the way!
But what if we don’t have those great
support systems and people in our lives?
Well, you are definitely not alone. God is
the greatest father, friend, confidant and
support system anyone can ever have.