HIMPower Magazine HimPower September 2017 | Page 29
and if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore
come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians:
if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they
kill us, we shall but die.” You notice these men
considered their situation and the options
available to them very carefully and reached
a decision, which was to go into the enemy’s
camp. This decision no doubt created some
fear in them, but they realised that the death
they were afraid to meet by taking a step
forward, would come to meet them if they
remained where they were or returned to the
city, as there was famine in the city. Inter-
estingly, it was also the only decision that
had two sides to it; the enemy could decide
not to kill them which meant they would
have food to eat and live as there was food
in the enemy’s camp. Remaining where they
were or going into the city, had only one
side to it; that is to wait for death by hunger.
They got up and moved in spite of their fear
and something very strange happened. As
they moved towards the Syrian camp, God
caused the Syrians to hear a noise of char-
iots and they abandoned their tents and
fled. These lepers discovered on arrival at
the camp that what they feared had fled and
what they desired (food) was available in
abundance. They also had things they did
not bargain for, gold and silver and raiment.
It came because they were willing to take
a risk and get out of their ugly situation in
spite of fear.
If you will get up and follow your heart,
in spite of your fears, you will discover,
upon arrival at your destination, that what
you fear has fled. God still causes the
enemy’s camp to hear a noise of chariots.
Eturuvie (AKA Gabriella) Erebor is a writer,
public speaker, trainer, coach and the Founder
of DOZ Network.
www.himpowermagazine.com 29