HIMPower Magazine HimPower October 2017 | Page 34

PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT How You Can Help Hurting Women by DiAnne Malone I was thinking early this morning, every one born on this earth had their first rela- tionship with a woman. Just think about it, both men and women were born of a woman, and so in the womb, the very first intimate relationships were born. Consid- ering this, it seems that women should be the masters (or mistresses) of relationships. Sadly, this is not the case. Women often have very deep wounds when it comes to relationships and often the wounded woman is the woman who imposes a wound to someone else. 34  HimPower October 2017 I remember talking to my husband about a conflict I had with another woman. I couldn’t understand the source of her frustration and so, I became frustrated, too. I took it personal. I, Me, Mine, and back to I again. My husband delivered to me the oldest and most true cliché I’d ever hurt. He said to me, “Hurting people hurt people.” “Well, that’s not fair.” I said “Really, well you do it, I do it, we all do it.” “Why can’t we stop doing that?” I asked him.